
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Embeded Analytics Vs Business Intelligence

    In this article, will understand these terms better and illustrate the differences prominently.

    Embedded analytics and business intelligence are the two buzzwords in the era of modern business. A few decades ago, business analysis was done on Microsoft Excel, but after big data made an entrance into the market, it has not only changed the shape of technology but also changed a lot in the field of business analysis.

The Concept
   Business Intelligence is a technology-driven process that encompasses technologies, systems, people, tools, methodologies, etc. allowing an organisation to collect data from both internal and external systems for analysing, developing and running queries in the variety of structured and unstructured data that helps in guiding operational decisions in a business.
     For example, Starbucks uses the collected data of individualised purchase by their customers. They then use BI software to predict what purchase and offers an individual customer is likely to be interested in. Another instance is Oracle, where the entire user experience has been streamlined, demonstrating their continued commitment to making analytics as fast, flexible, and friendly as they are powerful and robust.